Poster Session

Poster Session Scavenger Hunt

During the poster session there will be a scavenger hunt that anyone is welcome to participate in. These questions will challenge you to visit multiple posters and talk to the presenters. There is a limited number of stickers available to those who complete the quiz. Good luck!!

Presented Posters (PDF Version)

Developing a microbial biosensor for fertility hormone detection in whole blood

Kaavya Akula1, Luca Pungan1, Miguel Jimenez1
1Boston University, Department of Biomedical Engineering

Fertility hormone testing provides vital information for women undergoing In Vitro Fertilization, ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages, and polycystic ovary syndrome. However, the current methods of testing pose many accessibility barriers to women around the world. At-home urine tests lack the sensitivity and specificity of blood tests that healthcare providers desire. However, blood tests require the patient to rely on testing centers. At these centers, extensive sample preparation is required, and results can take days. The goal of our research is thus to devise a test that can detect fertility hormones in whole blood in the comfort of the patient’s home. To achieve this goal, genetically engineered microbial cells will be used as a robust sensing platform. However, the function of microbial cells in blood has not yet been well established. In order to test both the survivability and sensing ability of engineered cells in blood, we synthesized four variants that would fluoresce in the presence of a model target molecule. Our experiments revealed successful designs of reporter action, with increased fluorescence in the presence of the target molecule. Now that these strains have been established, their behavior in whole blood may be explored. These results will inform the development of our fertility hormone sensors, and break down barriers to reproductive healthcare.

On the Pressure-induced Nuclear Deformation of Murine Vascular Cells: The Effects of Pregnancy-induced Remodeling

Mirza M. Junaid Baig1, Ana Vargas1, Chiara Bellini1, Rouzbeh Amini1
1Bioengineering, Northeastern University

Significant changes in a woman’s cardiovascular system during pregnancy may influence the morphology of the cells ensconced within the aortic wall. Here, we examine such alterations by measuring the nuclear aspect ratio (NAR) of fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells in the aorta of female mice, to understand the biomechanical effects of pregnancy on cells and their role in vascular remodeling. Computational methods were employed to analyze 3D image stacks from pregnant and sex- and age-matched nulligravida control mice, focusing on the media and adventitia layers of the aortic wall. Gaussian smoothing and Otsu’s thresholding were used to segment the cells, and distinct cell types were identified based on their geometry and spatial positioning. To account for the natural curvature of the aortic wall, the cells were flattened using polar coordinates. NAR, defined as the ratio of the longest to the shortest axis of the cell nucleus, was calculated for each cell type at varying pressure levels. We found minimal changes in NAR within physiological pressure ranges, suggesting that nuclear shape is preserved despite varying mechanical stresses in both pregnant and nulligravida mice (Figure 1). The lack of significant differences in NAR between pregnant and control groups suggests that cellular adaptations during pregnancy may aim to maintain nuclear homeostasis despite significant differences in luminal diameter and tissue mechanics between pregnant and nulligravida groups. These findings provide insights into how mechanical forces affect cellular morphology and highlight the importance of maintaining nuclear integrity for vascular health during pregnancy, offering valuable implications for maternal cardiovascular health and therapeutic strategies for pregnancy-related vascular complications.

Early stages of EMT are not completely reversible in MCF10A cells

Morgan Benson1, Anand Asthagiri1,2,3
1Bioengineering, Northeastern University, 2Chemical Engineering, Northeastern University, 3Biology, Northeastern University

In development and wound healing, typically non-motile cells gain migratory properties in a reversible biological process termed the epithelial to mesenchymal transition, or EMT. The genetic changes that drive EMT are exploited by cancer cells, allowing them to disseminate from the primary tumor and spread throughout the body. In order to effectively colonize a secondary location to form a metastatic site, the cells revert back to their original phenotype in the mesenchymal to epithelial transition, or MET. TGF-β, a common driver of EMT in breast cancer, can be used to stimulate EMT in vitro. Using MCF10A cells, a non-transformed mammary epithelial cell line, we sought to evaluate the extent of MET achievable when cells are treated with TGF-β and then given time to revert back. We allowed cells in early and late EMT, treated for 3 and 12 days with TGF-β, respectively, to have 12 days without exposure to TGF-β to go through MET, taking samples for RNA and protein analyses every 3 days. RT-PCR of 12 genes known to be either up or downregulated during EMT showed no difference between the early and late populations in their ability to go through MET. Although early EMT is generally considered to be completely reversible, half of the genes were unable to return to baseline mRNA expression in both the early and late EMT treatment conditions. The majority of these partially-reversible genes are involved in maintenance of cell-to-cell contacts, indicating cellular contacts could be weaker after MET irrespective of their EMT stage.

Evaluations and optimization of STING agonist implants for ovarian and breast cancer

Yulei Xu1, Xiaoheng Lyu1, Khadijah Zai2, Shicheng Yang2, Needa Brown2,3, Srinivas Sridhar1,2,4
1Department of Bioengineering, Northeastern University, 2Department of Physics, Northeastern University, 3Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Central Florida, 4Department of Chemical Engineering, Northeastern University

Anti-tumor immunity activated by the cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS)-stimulator of interferon genes (STING) pathway is emerging as a promising treatment for BRCA-deficient cancers like ovarian and breast cancers. Specifically, our idea is to combine conventional therapy of Poly (ADP-ribose) Polymerases (PARP) inhibitor with ADU-S100, a synthetic cyclic dinucleotide that could activate the STING pathway. PARP inhibitors are known to disrupt the DNA repair in BRCA mutated cancer cells leading to cell death. Although effective, PARPi therapy is not sustainable, and resistance develops with limited alternatives for patients. Recent work has shown that STING pathway activated by ADU-S100 can trigger tumor-specific immune activation and enhance treatment efficacy. However, due to systemic inflammatory concerns, STING agonists are currently limited to intratumoral delivery. Here, we have developed a solvent evaporation method to fabricate ADU-S100 PLGA-based sustained-release implants as an alternative. As a first step to characterization, a bio-mimic release study of ADU-S100 was performed in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) at 37oC, pH 7.4 and pH 6, respectively, to mimic physiologic and tumoral pH. Then, the drug release kinetics of ADU-S100 implants were evaluated by HPLC. The results showed sustained release of ADU-S100 over 21 days, echoing our hypothesis. Additionally, to confirm bioactivity, THP-1 ISG-Blue IRF reporter cells, which produce secreted embryonic alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) upon IRF pathway activation, were utilized as a surrogate for STING activation. The optimized results of drug dosage formulation of the implant would lay a foundation for future in vivo model experiments and clinical translation.

The Influence of Fibrotic Stiffness on Lung Endothelial Glycocalyx

Chinedu Okorafor1, Sanjana Shastri2, Yu Chen1, Eno E. Ebong1,3
1Chemical Engineering, Northeastern University, 2Behavioral Neuroscience, Northeastern University, 3Bioengineering, Northeastern University

Problem Statement: Smoking, radiation treatment, etc. can induce fibrosis in lungs, increasing susceptibility to various pathological conditions like breast cancer metastasis. The lung’s transformed mechanical environment, specifically the heightened wall stiffness of the blood vessels through which metastatic cancer and other pathogens travel, may vitally contribute to susceptibility to disease. A key barrier in this process is the endothelial cell (EC) surface glycocalyx (GCX), primarily made up of heparan sulfate (HS), hyaluronic acid (HA), and negatively charged sialic acid (SA). This GCX structure is understudied for lungs under mechanical conditions.
Project Overview: This study aims to understand how matrix stiffness regulates GCX structure and its role in mediating cancer metastasis in fibrotic lungs. We hypothesize that fibrotic stiffness decreases overall GCX expression on human pulmonary microvascular ECs by downregulating HS-, HA-, and SA-synthesizing enzymes, thereby increasing GCX barrier permeability. We replicated fibrotic conditions via mechanically tunable gelatin methacrylate hydrogels of 5 kPa (healthy) and 34 kPa (fibrotic) stiffness. These hydrogels serve as substrates for EC culture. Results so far show that fibrotic stiffness reduces whole GCX, suggesting increased vascular permeability to various pathogens. However, individual GCX components showed differentially behavior. HA reduction in fibrotic stiffness conditions may create an inflammation gradient that attracts cancer cells to the endothelium. Conversely, increased SA expression may provide more binding sites for pathogens. HS expression showed no change. These results suggest that GCX is a potential future therapeutic target.

Sex-based computational analysis of estrogen impact on microglia during progression of AD

Anagha Deepak1, Christina Velez2
1Round Rock High School, 2Bioengineering ,Northeastern University

Alzheimer’s disease, a common neurodegenerative disease is caused by the formation of amyloid-β plaques and tau tangles within and around neurons, results in marked cognitive decline, memory loss, and changes in behavior in aging individuals. Microglia are the primary resident immune cells of the brain that act as the inherent response systems to address the impact of these formations and maintain homeostasis in the central nervous system. The onset and progression of AD have been directly linked to microglia function which is markedly different in males and females due to underlying differences in inflammatory responses and hormonal influences. Women account for two-thirds of prevalent AD cases and yet most of the research on the cause, effects, and progression of the disease has been focused on the male population, leading to a gap of knowledge in understanding how fluctuating estrogen concentrations and menopause play a role in AD. The purpose of this research is to create a computational tool that will allow us to predict differences in the microglial effects of the brain based on sex, age, and APOE genetics. We aimed to simulate an agent-based computational model to analyze the microglial efficiency in clearing the degenerated neurons in both women and men. The key variables required for simulation come from scientific data published by research work within PubMed and the National Institute of Health’s data collection. The simulations are generated from an open-source agent-based modeling tool, NetLogo, with the computational model described here openly available online at

Mucus-inspired therapies for recurrent vaginal infections

Kelsey Wheeler1, Liubov Yakovlieva1, Caroline Werlang1, Caroline Mitchell2, Katharina Ribbeck1
1Department of Biological Engineering, MIT, 2Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, MGH

Vaginitis, a common women’s health condition characterized by discharge, odor, and discomfort, is responsible for 10 million office visits annually in the US. The two most common causes of vaginitis are bacterial vaginosis or vulvovaginal candidiasis. Antibiotics and antifungals can cure these infections temporarily, but these infections often return and become recurrent problems. In the case of bacterial vaginosis, up to 80% of people suffer a recurrence within nine months. There are currently no reliable solutions for preventing these infections. To meet this need, we have leveraged insights from the natural mucus barrier, which domesticates microbes by suppressing their virulence while providing a livable habitat, thereby maintaining the microbial homeostasis vital to health. The microbe-taming function of mucus stems from the complex sugars that densely coat the mucin polymers that give mucus its gel-like properties. We have developed technology to deliver infection-fighting sugars via mucin-inspired therapeutic polymers to treat and prevent infectious vaginitis. Moreover, the immense water-holding capacity of mucin-inspired polymers will have the added benefit of providing hydration to the vaginal epithelium to further ease discomfort associated with infections.

In-silico models of in-vivo cervical stiffness measurements for improving preterm birth prediction

Abigail Laughlin1, Adriana Delagarza2, Erin Louwagie3, Jacqueline C. Hairston4, Mirella Mourad3, Michael House4, Kristin Myers1
1Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, 2Obstetrics and Gynecology, Northwestern Medicine, 3Obstetrics and Gynecology, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, 4Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tufts Medical Center

Globally, the incidence of preterm birth (PTB, delivery before 37 weeks) is approximately 1 in every 10 live births [1]. Despite its clinical importance, PTB is difficult to predict. A novel device for PTB prediction is the Pregnolia system, which tests the stiffness of the cervix via aspiration [2]. The goal of this study is to determine patient-specific cervical material properties using simulation of cervical aspiration, which could be used to enhance PTB prediction.
Using TVUS images of patient cervices and their corresponding aCS values, measurements were recorded to create a high fidelity (HF, ~60 measurements), mid-fidelity (MF, ~20 measurements), and low-fidelity (3 measurements) model for three high-risk (CL < 25 mm, no PTB history) and three low risk (screened against known PTB risk factors) patients. Models were meshed and imported to FEBio Studio for finite element analysis. The cervix was modeled as a passive fiber composite material with a compressible neo-Hookean ground substance fit to existing mechanical tissue tests [9]. Inverse finite element analysis was performed to find the computed fiber stiffness (cCS) value. cCS values for HF, MF, and LF models were compared to understand how geometric fidelity affected the numerical outcomes of the simulations.
When examining LF results, the patient with the lowest cCs value corresponded to the only patient who delivered extremely preterm (24 weeks). No clear trend in cCS values were found, with some high cCS values correlating with lower aCS values, etc. Additionally, there was no direct correlation between CL, aCS, and cCS values.

[1] World Health Organization, “Preterm Birth”, 2023.
[2] Kyvernitakis, I et al., PLOS One, 18(4):e0283944, 2023.
[3] Shi, L et al., J Biomech Eng, 141(9): 0910171–09101713, 2019.”

Relaxin is Necessary for Normal Cervical Remodeling in Murine Pregnancy

Serena Russell1, Nicole Lee1, Sudeshna Tripathy2, Mala Mahendroo3, Kristin Myers1
1Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, 2Obstetrics and Gynecology, Northwestern Medicine, 3Obstetrics and Gynecology, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, 4Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tufts Medical Center

Cervical remodeling is crucial to preterm birth and is characterized by increased tissue compliance allowing the cervix to stretch. Relaxin is a peptide hormone that reduces fibrosis, affecting parturition in mice. We performed a biomechanical test and inverse finite element analysis to determine material parameters to inform cervical relaxin function.
We tested wild-type (WT) and relaxin-receptor knockout (RKO) mice at three timepoints (d12, 15, 18, n=5). Tension tests were implemented to determine altered cervical performance. Bulk modulus κ, initial stiffness ξ and locking-stretch N (fiber extensibility), were found using an objective function with measurements from these tests. Material parameters were found using a genetic algorithm. Statistical analysis was performed to compare parameters across groups.
Constitutive material modeling showed no significant change in ξ between RKO and WT models. κ is significantly reduced in RKO models at d12 (p <0.05). N increases significantly in RKO mice at d12, with differences between d15 mice, and RKO and WT models having no significant difference in N by d18.
Relaxin is necessary for cervical remodeling in mice, and has distinct effects at each gestational age. The loss of the relaxin receptor generally softens and makes the cervix more pliable at gestation d12 and d15. By d18, changes are resolved. Changes in material properties may indicate premature ripening of the cervix in RKO models, implying the necessity of relaxin for normal cervical remodeling.

[1] World Health Organization, “Preterm Birth”, 2023.
[2] Kyvernitakis, I et al., PLOS One, 18(4):e0283944, 2023.
[3] Shi, L et al., J Biomech Eng, 141(9): 0910171–09101713, 2019.”

Sialidase enzymes derived from bacterial vaginosis associated bacteria may impair sperm function by remodeling the sperm glycocalyx

Sarah Dohadwala1, Purna M Shah1, Maura K Farrell1, Joseph A Politch2, Kevin Whaley3, Deborah J Anderson1,2, Catherine E Costello1
1Boston University, 2Boston University Medical School, 3ZabBio Inc.

Bacterial vaginosis (BV), a dysbiosis of the vaginal microbiome, affects approximately 23 to 29 percent of women worldwide and is associated with several adverse health outcomes including preterm birth, subfertility, and sexually transmitted infections (STI). BV-associated bacteria, such as Gardnerella vaginalis, are known to cause epithelial damage and degradation of the vaginal mucosa through the activity of sialidase enzymes that remodel the epithelial glycocalyx and metabolize mucin glycoproteins. This damage to the vaginal glycocalyx creates an inflammatory environment which likely contributes to adverse health outcomes. However, whether BV-associated glycolytic enzymes can also damage sperm during their transit in the reproductive tract has not yet been determined. Here, we show that sialidase-mediated glycocalyx remodeling of human sperm increases sperm susceptibility to innate immune damage within the female reproductive tract. In particular, we report that upon exposure to physiologically relevant amounts of sialidase enzymes, desialylated human sperm demonstrate increased susceptibility to complement lysis (~2.5-fold) and agglutination (~2-fold). Our results demonstrate a potential mechanism by which BV glycolytic enzymes may affect sperm survival and function and thereby contribute to adverse reproductive outcomes such as subfertility.

Actomyosin fibers in the spermatheca are under tension

Fereshteh Sadeghian1, Erin Cram1,2
1Bioengineering, Northeastern University, 2Biology, Northeastern University

Regulating contractile and relaxation processes is crucial for the functionality of tubular structures in organisms. In C. elegans, the spermatheca, the site of fertilization, consists of smooth muscle-like cells. As oocytes pass through the spermatheca, they undergo multiple cycles of stretching and contracting.
We utilized laser ablation to assess fiber tension. Using a SpectraPhysics Spirit laser, operating at 1040 nm, with 400 fs pulses at a frequency of 1 kHz and approximately 500 mW power, we severed the fibers in animals expressing ACT-1::GFP to monitor retraction rates.
Additionally, to understand the mechanical forces during ovulation, we employed the strain sensor STReTCh to measure tension on the actin fibers within the spermatheca. The STReTCh system is composed of SpyTag and SpyCatcher, which interact when the mechanosensitive domain is unfolded. We adapted this method by integrating the sensor into mechanosensitive regions of DEB-1/vinculin and FLN-1/filamin in C. elegans. Our observations revealed that SpyCatcher paired with DEB-1/vinculin::SpyTag and FLN-1/filamin::SpyTag coincides in the spermatheca under mel-11/MYPT RNAi treatment and plc-1/phospholipase C RNAi treatment, respectively, indicating their role in fiber tension regulation.
Our ongoing research aims to map tension distribution throughout the spermatheca and related proteins’ regulatory role in contractility.

Cardiac-induced Brain Tissue Motion in Chiari Malformation Type 1 and Its Relationship to Surgery, Crowding, and Symptomatology

Mahsa Karamzadeh1, Mohamd Motaz Al Samman1, Christopher MacLellan2, Rafeeque Bhadelia2, Amir Ebrahimzadeh2, John Oshinski3, Rouzbeh Amini1, Francis Loth1
1Bioengineering, Northeastern University, 2Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center & Harvard Medical School, 3Radiology & Imaging Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine

Chiari Malformation type 1 (CMI), a condition characterized by the descent of the cerebellar tonsils below the foramen magnum, is more common in females and can lead to a range of debilitating symptoms. Understanding brain tissue motion during the cardiac cycle is critical in CMI research because abnormal motion may contribute to symptom severity and could be a key factor in the disease’s pathophysiology. This study utilized Phase Contrast MRI (PCMRI) to measure brain tissue displacement in 48 adult CMI patients, including 22 who underwent posterior fossa decompression (PFD) surgery. Significant reductions in cerebellar and medullary tissue displacement were observed post-surgery, yet no correlation was found between tissue motion and symptoms such as cough-associated headaches and neck pain. Additionally, no significant differences in displacement were detected between surgical and non-surgical groups. These findings suggest that brain tissue motion may not be directly related to CMI symptoms, challenging existing perspectives on the condition’s pathophysiology. While PCMRI is effective for assessing tissue motion, further research is necessary to clarify its role in CMI management and to identify more reliable diagnostic markers and treatment strategies.

Label-free Microscopy to Evaluate MSC Metabolism and Osteogenic Differentiation

Gwyneth Wong1, Tianyi Zheng2, Joseph Ametepe3, Rezwana Nasrin3, Elgin Leary4, Luke Mortensen3,5
1Bioengineering Northeastern University, 2Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Georgia, 3Chemical, Materials and Biomedical Engineering, University of Georgia, 4College of Education, University of Georgia, 5Regenerative Bioscience Center Rhodes Center for ADS, University of Georgia

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) are pivotal in regenerative medicine due to their therapeutic potential, yet the lack of standardized potency metrics hinders FDA-approved applications. Traditional methods for assessing MSC differentiation, such as Western blots and PCR, are destructive and fail to capture the dynamic processes of differentiation and metabolism. This study introduces a label-free approach using differential phase-contrast microscopy and multi-photon fluorescence microscopy to non-invasively evaluate MSC metabolism and osteogenic differentiation. We exploit the optical redox ratio, derived from the autofluorescence of oxidized flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), alongside third harmonic generation (THG) imaging to assess cellular changes.
MSCs were induced to differentiate using osteogenic media, and their metabolic activities and differentiation status were monitored over time. Phase imaging and alizarin red S staining confirmed successful MSC differentiation. Autofluorescence imaging revealed that differentiated MSCs exhibited higher metabolic activity compared to undifferentiated counterparts, as indicated by a higher redox ratio (0.51 for osteogenic media vs. 0.38 for basic media). THG signals, associated with calcium mineralization, were present in differentiated MSCs but absent in undifferentiated cells.
These findings demonstrate the efficacy of using non-invasive imaging techniques to assess MSC differentiation and metabolic activity, providing valuable insights into MSC therapeutic potential. Future research will expand on these methods to optimize MSC function and explore the manipulation of metabolic pathways to enhance regenerative outcomes.

Morphometric Analysis of Pediatric Female Chiari Malformation: Age-Related Changes and Comparative Study with Adult Female Populations

Farnaz Feyli1, Mohamad Motaz Al Samman2, Mahsa Karasmzadeh2, Jayapalli Rajiv Bapuraj3, Philip Allen4, Rafeeque A Bhadelia5, Dorothy Loth6, Rouzbeh Amini2, Francis Loth1
1Mechanical Engineering, Northeastern University, 2Bioengineering, Northeastern University, 3University of Michigan Health, Radiology, 4Psychology Department, Akron University, 5Department of Radiology, Harvard University School of Medicine, 6Chiari Research Lab, Northeastern University

Purpose: This study aims to determine the differences in craniospinal morphology between pediatric and adult female Chiari Malformation Type I (CM) patients and assess age-related changes in pediatric cases.
Methods: We analyzed 87 girls aged 0 to 18 years diagnosed with CM. Six craniospinal morphometric parameters were assessed: McRae Line, Tonsillar position, Clivus length, Wackenheim angle, Anterior CSF area, and Posterior CSF area. These parameters were compared between pediatric CM (12-18 years old) and adult CM, as well as between pediatric CM (9-11 years old) and healthy controls. Linear regression was used to determine the slope of morphological changes with age (1-8 years old) in pediatric CM.
Results: Among pediatric CM patients (12-18 years old), Tonsillar position and anterior CSF area were 32% and 57% larger, respectively, compared to adult CM, with other parameters showing <10% differences. Comparing pediatric CM (9-11 years old) with healthy controls revealed no significant differences in McRae Line, Clivus length, and Wackenheim angle, but tonsillar position, anterior CSF area, and posterior CSF area showed significant variations. Age-related analysis showed significant changes in McRae Line (p = 0.007) and Clivus length (p = 4.2E-06).
Conclusion: Pediatric CM patients exhibit distinct morphometric differences, particularly in tonsillar position and CSF areas, compared to adult CM patients and healthy pediatric controls. Significant age-related changes were also observed in McRae Line and Clivus length.

A novel antibody based, on-demand contraceptive to prevent unintended pregnancies

Purna Shah1, Sarah Dohadwala2, Ellena Nador2, Matt Geib4, Emilie Mausser2, James Doud2, Joseph Politch2,3, Kevin J. Whaley5, Deborah J. Anderson2,3
1Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry , Boston University, 2Division of Medical Sciences, Boston University Aram V. Chobanian & Edward Avedisian School of Medicine, 3Department of Medicine, Boston University Aram V. Chobanian & Edward Avedisian School of Medicine, 4Material science, Boston University, 5ZabBio, Inc.

In the United States, nearly half of all pregnancies are unintended, causing negative health and socioeconomic outcomes for women and infants. Despite currently available contraception methods, an unmet need for additional effective contraception methods remains. Current birth control options have side effects, high costs and/or require visits to a healthcare provider. Here we show the development of the Human Contraception Antibody (HCA) which is an antisperm antibody targeting a male reproductive tract-specific glycan called CD52g. It functions as a contraceptive primarily by agglutinating sperm within seconds (30 seconds at 0.39 ug/mL), and secondly by potent complement mediated sperm immobilization (100% at 0.1 ug/mL) and mucus trapping (25 ug/mL). Phase I clinical trial of the HCA film (ZB-06) was shown to be safe and effective. We currently deliver this antibody topically via a fast dissolving polyvinyl alcohol based film, and are exploring other approaches including mRNA delivery, a slow release film, and encapsulation in lubricants. In addition, we are developing multivalent and bispecific antibodies to further develop this contraceptive platform and pursue the development of concurrent protection from STIs and unintended pregnancy. These data indicate that HCA is a novel on demand contraceptive that is potent, low cost, and easy to access.

Optimization of bubble detachment from electrode using machine learning method

Nima Sakhaee1, Amir taqieddin2, Akram Alshawabkeh1
1Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, 2Mechanical Engineering, Northeastern University

Water contamination poses a significant risk to public health, particularly affecting pregnant women, who are more vulnerable to pollutants in drinking water. Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) have emerged as a highly efficient method for purifying water by generating reactive oxidizing agents through electrochemical reactions. Despite their effectiveness, the presence of bubbles in these processes can reduce the efficiency of contamination removal by decreasing the cathode’s electroactive surface area. Understanding and optimizing bubble behavior in these systems is crucial for enhancing the performance of water treatment methods.
This study investigates the dynamics of bubbles generated during AOPs and their impact on the efficiency of water treatment reactors, particularly in flow-through systems designed to remove persistent pollutants. We employ the Volume of Fluid (VOF) method, implemented through the CSECGEFoam solver, to model bubble behavior in a multiphase flow environment. Machine Learning (ML) techniques, specifically Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), are then applied to analyze the data. This approach allows us to predict critical outputs such as bubble growth rate and the rate of bubble detachment from the electrode. By using ANN-based ML approaches, we aim to bypass the complexity of traditional models, making predictions more efficient and accurate.
Our findings aim to contribute to the development of more efficient water treatment systems, ultimately improving water quality and benefiting women’s health by reducing exposure to harmful contaminants. This research underscores the importance of optimizing water purification technologies, particularly in flow-through systems, to safeguard public health, especially for vulnerable populations like women and pregnant women.

Impact of Wildfire Smoke Inhalation on Immune-Mediated Endothelial Dysfunction in Mice

Nicholas Micovic1, Ana Vargas1, Jessica Oakes1, Chiara Bellini1
1Bioengineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA

Wildfires have become increasingly frequent and intense due to rising temperatures and prolonged drought conditions. These fires emit a heterogeneous mixture of particulate matter, gases, and chemicals, contributing to deteriorating air quality across the United States and posing serious health risks. Recent studies have shown that wildland fire smoke (WFS) inhalation has adverse cardiovascular effects, prompting the need for evidence-based interventions. Previous studies have hypothesized that immune cell response to WFS inhalation is the main instigator of the chemical cascade that causes endothelial dysfunction in the aorta of mice. To determine the validity of this hypothesis, female ApoE -/- mice were exposed to similar conditions as wildland fire fighters over a 7-day period. The immune system was characterized in the blood and lungs though the use of flow cytometry. From this study, we conclude that endothelial dysfunction in the aorta is driven by monocytes reaction in the lungs and blood rather than the current theory of a neutrophil driven response. Understanding the cardiovascular effects of WFS is crucial for guiding efforts to protect vulnerable populations from the health risks associated with wildfire exposure. This knowledge is vital for healthcare professionals, environmental justice advocates, and forest management authorities working to mitigate the impact of wildfires on public health.

Pregnancy-Induced Aortic Remodeling: Collagen Orientation and its Impact on Aortic Stiffness

Ana I. Vargas1, Mirza M. Junaid Baig1, Turner Jennings2, Chiara Bellini1, Rouzbeh Amini1,2
1Bioengineering, Northeastern University, 2Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Northeastern University

During pregnancy, significant hemodynamic changes impact the cardiovascular system, with cardiovascular disease being the leading cause of maternal mortality in the US. Despite the well-documented hemodynamic shifts, the mechanisms underlying the remodeling of elastic arteries like the aorta remain largely unexplored. In this study, we investigated pregnancy-induced aortic remodeling by examining collagen fiber orientation and distribution under mechanical loading, aiming to connect these microscale alterations with observed macroscale mechanical responses.
Descending thoracic aorta segments were collected from pregnant and control C57BL6 female mice. Samples were imaged using multiphoton microscopy to capture collagen, elastin, and cell nuclei across the aortic wall thickness. Image analysis were used to quantify in-plane collagen distribution via OrientationJ, while mechanical properties were assessed via stiffness tensor components derived from previous biaxial mechanical tests.
The results showed that pregnant samples exhibited a less organized collagen structure (Fig. 1A), indicated by lower κ values, and a faster shift towards circumferential fiber orientation under pressure (Fig. 1B), reflecting increased circumferential stiffness. This remodeling suggests a shift toward a more isotropic mechanical response during pregnancy. These microstructural and mechanical changes in the aorta, characterized by collagen reorientation and increased circumferential stiffness, may help accommodate the hemodynamic demands of pregnancy. However, they could also have implications for postpartum aortic function and maternal health.

Characterizing the Viscoelastic Properties of Murine Placental Tissues

Sean Harrington1, Ana Vargas2, Lukas Bose2, Rouzbeh Amini1,2
1Mechanical Engineering, Northeastern University, 2Bioengineering, Northeastern University

While studies aiming to characterize individual segments of the placenta and umbilical cord exist, our ability to develop new screening processes and treatments are severely hampered by the lack of a comprehensive biomechanical model for the umbilico-placental system.
This study aims to quantify the mechanical properties of murine placental tissues. Samples are taken from three litters of mice in late gestation (gestational day 13). The thickness and diameter of each placental sample is measured, and can be compared to the weight of the associated pup. The stress relaxation response of the placental tissues is then measured using spherical indentation methods.
To obtain the viscoelastic material properties, the experimental data is fitted to a two-term Prony series viscoelastic finite element model. This model has six terms to adjust to fit the experimental data: Young’s Modulus, Poisson’s ratio, two dimensionless viscoelastic loss parameters, and two relaxation time constants. The model is run iteratively until the finite element model, with its six material parameters, fits the experimental data.

Sex Representation in Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research: A Meta-Analysis of SB3C 2023 Abstracts

Nikki Mobed1, Fredrick Sebastian1, Rouzbeh Amini1,2
1Bioengineering, Northeastern University, 2Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Northeastern University

A balanced sex distribution in health care research is essential to enhance the accuracy of findings, particularly in biomechanics, bioengineering, and biotransport fields. We conducted a meta-analysis—extending from the work of Sebastian et al. (2023, J Biomech, 146(6):060906)—by analyzing 600 abstracts presented at the 2023 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C). The focus was on whether the sex of study samples was reported, and if studies were limited to only one sex, whether such an approach was justified.
Of the 600 abstracts, only in 131 (21.8%) the sex of the samples were disclosed. Among these, in 48 (36.6%), the researchers confirmed the use of both sexes, but only 22 (45.8%) of those studies were balanced, while 10 (20.8%) were unbalanced, and 16 (33.3%) did not specify a male-to-female ratio. Most concerning, 93 (71%) studies were unbalanced, with only 31 (33.3%) of these being gender-specific. In 62 (66.7%) abstracts, the choice of a single sex was unjustified. The data showed a predominance of male-only study samples (69.4% ) of the unjustified unbalanced studies.
These findings reveal persistent sex imbalances in research, underscoring the need for better inclusion of diverse sex samples to address the biomechanical and physiological needs of all individuals, especially women.